Friday, March 09, 2007

Our hope

Something that I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with is the fact that evangelical Christianity is drifting more and more towards a hope only in eternity with the Lord. They've discarded the truth that the Kingdom of God is right here, right now, and, instead, trade it for an ephemeral view of a vaguely understood future time when everything will be "okay". Now, I'm not going the route of some "pastors" and saying that the Lord wants us to be prosperous and wealthy, but He does promise us that He cares for us and comforts us while we're in the midst of the evil in this world.

One of the evils associated with this weakend hope is that it actually would have the effect of weakening faith. Instead of actually trying to live like we've overcome the world, we live like we're resigned to our fate, like we have no champion more powerful than anything else in all of creation. And we sit back and take whatever the evil one dishes out.

This has to stop!


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